Do you feel like you never have time to sit down and write your blog posts?
When you work a full-time job, where are you supposed to find the time to research, figure out your keywords, make your images and then actually write your posts?
Trust me. I know the frustration.
It would take me forever to write a blog post when I sat down at my computer at night.
But then I started breaking the process down into smaller tasks. Tasks that you could do in a short amount of time. Tasks that you could do when you ate breakfast, on your breaks, or during a boring meeting right before you go to bed.
I’m sharing some of these tasks with you. They are tasks that take less than 10 minutes. Tasks you can do throughout your day when you have bits of time. Tasks that will help move you forward and make progress on your blog.

Sign up for the Moonlighting Blogger mail list and a link to download a list of tasks will be sent right to your inbox.
Don’t worry. I won’t go crazy sending emails to you. After all, I work a full-time job and have a blog to work on.