Be Successful in 2024 with these 5 Blogging Actions

Every year I look forward to the new year. I like the idea of a fresh start. A new beginning. It’s a chance to forget about any mistakes I made in the last year and any actions I didn’t take on my blog that I should have.

And it’s a chance to take a look at what I can do better on my blog.

We know we can’t do everything with our time being limited due to our fulltime job, but we can make sure that we are doing what we can do to the best of our ability.

Here are several actions you can take to help your blog be more successful this year.

Make a Plan to Blog Consistently.

Out of anything you do this year, it will be the consistent actions you take on your blog that will make the biggest difference on your blog.

This means you’ll need to schedule time into your week when you will sit down and work on your blog. It might not seem easy when you are trying to juggle a lot during your day but that’s the reason you want to put it on your calendar.

Then have a plan on what you will work on during each of those work sessions. Having a plan will help insure that what you do during your blogging time will be the actions that will move your blog closer to success instead of working on busy work that does nothing for your blog.

To help you blog more consistently, get my free Blogging Habit Builder Workbook to get you started.

And know that if you get off track, it is okay. You can start again right.

Find a New Way to Blog More Productively

What if there was a way to make it easier to do some of your blog work? It could reduce the amount of time you spend on some tasks or make it quicker to produce content.

Don’t be afraid to try something that can help.

Some of the ways you can try out to see if it helps your productivity are:

  • Hire someone to do a task, maybe one you don’t really like. And it doesn’t have to be a blog specific task. How much free time would it give you to have someone clean your home or do your grocery shopping?
  • Find an app that can help you with a blogging task. I use the Speechnotes on my phone and dictate blog posts(like this one) then I have a rough draft all ready for me to work on.
  • Check out Private Label Rights(PLR) Content (also known as Done For You content). This is content that someone else put together that you can buy and use for your blog. You can find content to use for freebies and even for posts.
  • Try AI. I know. Some people are completely against AI. I get it. My fulltime job is one that I fully expect to be taken over by AI, but I also feel that it is better to learn about it and learn how to use it now while it is still new. It can help you come up with ideas for your blog, write content and help with your social media.

Don’t overwhelm yourself and try everything in an attempt to be super productive. Pick one way and start with that.

Join a Blogging Community

Blogging can be a lonely endeavor especially when you are first getting started.

Luckily, we are on the Internet and it’s so much easier to find people with the same interests, including blogging.

Being a part of a blogging community gives you a place to be around other bloggers where you can learn from each other, collaborate with each other, be accountable to each other, provide support and motivation to keep moving forward, and to celebrate meeting those blogging milestones with each other.

I have a group for bloggers just like you, who work a full-time job while working on their blogs. It’s the Moonlighting Bloggers Facebook group and it’s free for you to join.

There are also paid communities that you can be a part of. Some are specific to certain areas of blogging while others provide more of an all around approach. I belong to 2 paid communities to help with my blogging- PIPs VIP Mastermind and The Canva Clubhouse.

Take Advantage of Blogging Bundles

Imagine a collection of materials all put together to help you with your blog or other areas of your life.

That it was is called a bundle and they are pretty popular.

There are 2 ways you can benefit from them.

The 1st way to benefit is for you to use them as a way for you to promote your blog, products and courses by being a contributor to a bundle.

The 2nd way to benefit is by being a customer. This means you get access to the products that others contribute to the bundle.

What kind of products can you find in a bundle? Courses, ebooks, PLR. If you want to learn about something blogging related you’ll find courses and ebooks. If you are looking for some help making optins or writing content you can find PLR to get you started.

Bundles can be great sources of information, but just a little warning- it’s also easy to get FOMO and try to grab all the things. By doing that you’ll end up getting overwhelmed and not using anything in the bundle so consider making a plan for what products you’ll sign up for that you ill use to move your blog forward.

Get Organized in Your Blogging

When your time is limited, it’s easy to just do things willy nilly. You just want to sit down to blog and concentrate on doing just what you need to do. Being organized takes time and you don’t have the time to be organized.

But the fact is that being organized with your blog can save you time. Having systems set up for different aspects of blogging means you don’t have to spend time searching for important notes, photos for blog posts, or post drafts.

You can take advantage of project management programs like Notion or Trello or go simple and use Google Docs, Sheets and Drive to organize.

You can also set up standard operating procedures(SOPs) for different aspects of your blog, such as putting together a blog post. SOPs give you a plan to work on your different blogging task so you can make more effective use of your time. You can find a list of different SOPs that online businesses should have at Organize Your Online Biz.

It’s easier to set up your organization system when you are new to blogging, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard when you’ve been blogging for awhile. It just means that it will take you time to go through all your files. Set up your system and start where you are at then spend some time each week organizing your older files. You’ll be all organized before you know it.

But having limited time is the reason why you need to be organized with your blogging. Having all your files, photos, etc organized will save you time searching for what you need when you need it.

Make This Your Best Blogging Year

By implementing these actions, you can navigate the challenges of time constraints and watch your blog flourish in the year ahead. Let’s make this year a thriving and fulfilling year of blogging!

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