How Do You Fit Blogging Into Your Busy Life?

 As full-time employees, a good part of our day is taken up by work. Add in sleep and trying to have some sort of life with family and friends, there often isn’t a lot of time to devote to our blogs.

This means we have to pick and choose when we work on our blogs. Some people may decide the weekend is the best time for working bulk on their blog, while others choose to spread the work out during the week. Is one way better than the other? Each has their pros and cons.

The Weekend Warrior Blogger

The Weekend Warrior blogger does the bulk of their blogging on the weekends when they don’t have to deal with their day job.

Some of the advantages of doing your blogging on the weekends:

  • Able to work on larger tasks
  • Can focus of tasks that need more of your attention
  • Won’t feel like you are working very long days during the week.

Some of the disadvantages:

  • You’ll be working every day of the week and may feel burnt out

The Slow Go During the Week Blogger

The Slow Go During the Week blogger fits their blogging into small amounts of time during the week.

Some of the advantages of doing your blogging on the weekends:

  • Can work on smaller tasks much easily
  • Can work on batching tasks
  • Your weekends can be free for personal activities

Some of the disadvantages:

  • Some people may find it harder to work on tasks when you are starting and stopping them
  • Working at both your job and on your blog can make for a long work day

Weekend warrior or slow go during the week, neither way is wrong. We all have to do what works best for us. You might find that a combination of working during the week and working on the weekend is what works best for you.

No matter what your plan is for your blogging work schedule, make the best of it by making a plan for what you’re going to do during your time so you don’t get off track and can be as productive as possible.

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