Meet the Blogger- Katelynn from Cross Culture Love

There are many times I feel like the only person who works a day job and tries to blog on the side especially when it feels like I’m struggling. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. Meet the Blogger is a series to help you see you are not alone by letting you meet other bloggers like you- working to build a successful blog while working a full-time job.

And now…

Can you combine love, travel, blogging, and a full-time job? Let’s find out from Katelynn from Cross Culture Love.

Tell us a little bit about your offline life and work.

Well, I work completely online as a content writer. It’s my paid job, which makes it a little odd to also have a blog 🙂

Are you currently working full-time while blogging or have you been able to transition from full-time job to full-time blogger?

Currently working full-time while building my blog

Why and how did you get into blogging?

I’ve always wanted my own space on the internet, and love writing and sharing my thoughts.

What is your goal with your blog?

Eventually to monetize, but I’m not too pressed about it. I make enough as a writer.

How close are you to your goal?

I’m close to applying for Adsense.

What is the biggest challenge you have blogging while working a full-time job?

Finding the time and motivation. When writing online is your full-time job, it can be a little bit difficult to want to… keep doing more of that in your free time.

What is something you are proud to have accomplished on your blog while working a full-time job?

Seeing my search rankings grow has been really cool, but I also love when people reach out to me and say that my blog has helped them. Helping people is super important to me, and a big motivator to keep going.

How do you stay motivated to work on your blog?

I don’t pressure myself to post more than I want to. If I start to feel like my blog is a chore, I won’t want to do it anymore. My uploads are probably a little bit more sporadic than suggested, but I’d rather post infrequently and post quality content than force myself to create content I don’t really feel passionate about.

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to blog while working a full-time job?

Love your niche. Write about things that make you excited. If you enjoy researching and writing your topics, you’ll want to keep doing it more and more. If you’re ambivalent about your niche, don’t lock yourself into something you won’t want to keep up with.

Is there any other info you would like to share with readers?

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, just do it. Most of what you’ll learn will come from actually doing the work. So many people spend so much time planning, thinking, debating, considering starting a blog when they could spend that time actually doing it.

Where else can people find you online(social media)?

You can follow Katelynn on Instagram too!

Are you a blogger trying to build your blog while working a full-time job?

I’d love to feature you and your blog in Meet the Blogger! Just head over and answer the question on the form.

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